Mastership Series - Certified Professional Stop Smoking Hypnosis Specialist Practitioner

Course Description

Unleash the power of hypnosis to become the "go-to" smoking cessation specialist in your locality.

Everything you need to give outstanding smoking cessation sessions in one place. Whether you're a beginner or have years of experience under your belt, this course will set you up as the go-to specialist in your area.

This is a certification course. On completion you will be able to confidently and efficiently give stop smoking sessions using hypnosis. Smokers are willing to pay considerably more for stop smoking sessions. This course takes you through all the necessary steps. With this course you'll have the confidence to be a specialist smoking cessation practitioner in the top 1%!


Read some comments from students who have taken the course:

"As a practicing hypnotherapist I found this course really helpful to refine my approach to Stop Smoking sessions. I really like the Pre Talk sections...I have found it extremely important to spend time on this to help the client adjust their thinking and beliefs about smoking. Overall, the course material is spot-on, and with the support material represents excellent value for money."


"Mark is very easy to understand. He has a good speaking voice. He is not trying to impress you on how much he knows. It's obvious he is experienced in smoking cessation Hypnosis."


"My name is Paul Hill I am board certified instructor and practising hypnotherapist and I must say I think that this is one of the best courses that I have taken it is full of useful information on the programme is running the correct manner congratulations you have achieved a very useful and helpful product well done."


 Smokers, when they want to stop smoking, are not interested in how they stop; they are far more interested in the fact that they will stop. That’s why they want to go to a stop smoking specialist rather than a general hypnosis practitioner. Smokers are also willing to pay more for a session than for other issues. 

Ex-smokers are much more likely to recommend you to their friends, families and colleagues than for any other issue.  

Use my experience from the last 25 years as a practicing hypnotherapist and smoking cessation specialist. You can follow through my videos and tutorials and learn what does work. (Believe me I have also learned what doesn’t work; the hard way!) You can be as successful as I have been or take it to the next level and be even more so.  

You do not need to already have taken a training in hypnosis as this course contains the specific hypnosis necessary to run successful stop smoking sessions with step by step instructions. No need to take a training costing thousands to benefit from this course, though you may wish to learn more about hypnosis when you see how well it works for smoking cessation!  

If you are already a hypnotist or hypnotherapist, I would suggest that you use this system from now on for your smoking cessation clients. You will reap the benefits.  

This is a comprehensive smoking cessation practitioner course with full accompanying notes, videos and tutorials. I take you through it step by step not only telling you how to do it but when and why.  

When you’ve taken this course you will be able to confidently give stop smoking sessions using hypnosis.    

As a stop smoking specialist you will be able to charge a lot more than the competition knowing that you are providing great value for investment. 

  • You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra cost, ever  

  • All future additional lectures, bonuses etc in this course are always free - 18 new lectures have just been added.  

  • There’s an unconditional 30 day, no questions asked, full money-back guarantee  

  • My help is always available to you

What are the requirements or prerequisites for taking your course? 

You need an internet connection. apart from that no previous knowledge is required.

Who is this course for? 

This course is aimed at therapists, coaches, carers and anyone interested in helping people live a better life.

Course Curriculum

Watch some free previews below

  • 2
    The Pre-Talk
    • pretalk_follow_guide
    • pretalk_script
    • pretalk_01
    • pretalk_02
    • pretalk_03
    • pretalk_04
    • pretalk_05
    • pretalk_06
    • pretalk_07
    • pretalk_08
    • pretalk_09
    • pretalk_10
    • pretalk_11
    • pretalk_12
    • pretalk_13
    • pretalk_14
    • pretalk_15
    • pretalk_16
    • pretalk_17
  • 3
    The Model of the Mind
    • Model_of_mind
    • Model of the Mind FREE PREVIEW
    • Model of Mind - The Autonomic Nervous System
    • Model of Mind - The Unconscious/Subconscious Mind
    • Model of the Mind / The Conscious Mind
    • Model of Mind - The Critical Factor of Mind
  • 4
    Scope of Practise & Other Considerations
  • 5
    The Smoking Cessation Hypnosis
    • stop_smoking_hypnosis_script
    • The Hypnotic Contract
    • The Hypnosis Induction - Eye Closure
    • Succeeding with eye closure
    • Checking for relaxation
    • Pseudo Fractionation
    • Test 1: Heavy Arm
    • Test 2: Losing the numbers
    • Test 3: Numbness and analgesia
    • Utilizing tests for success and lack of craving
    • Saturation the mind and body
    • Their decision to quit smoking
    • Reactivating original programming
    • Breaking up old thinking and associations
    • Clearing past, present and future associations
    • Anchoring good feelings to being a non-smoker
    • How to do the anchoring
    • Ego Strenghtening
    • 2 scripts to power up your client's success both during and after the session. and should (could) be used just before you count them out.
    • Emerging from hypnosis
    • Post-hypnosis questions
    • non_tactile_induction to be used where a client does not wish to be touched
  • 6
    Reasons for Stopping Smoking
    • Clients' reasons for stopping smoking
    • Reason 1: Controlled by cigarettes
    • Reason 2: Money
    • Reason 3: Children and Grandchildren
    • Reason 4: Health
    • Reason 5: Coughs and Colds
    • Reason 6: Breathing
    • Reasons 7: Death and Dying
    • Reasons 8: Pressure
    • Reasons 9: Inconvenience
    • Reasons 10: Smell
    • Reasons 11: Antisocial
    • Reasons 12: Aging
    • Reasons wrapup
  • 7
    Finding a premises and setting up your room
    • 1_where_to_work
    • 2_roomsetup
    • 3_chairsandtables
    • 4_music
  • 8
    • Q&A 1: Arrival and questions
    • Pre-talk Script
    • Pre-Talk Follow Guide
    • Model of Mind
    • Stop Smoking Hypnosis Script
    • Stop Smoking Hypnosis Outline
    • Client Release Form
    • Cigarette Chemicals
    • What Happens To Your Body
    • e-Book: "Smoking: The Shocking Report"
  • 9
    • Professional Membership and why you should have it.
    • Certification


  • Dr Mark Casey


    Dr Mark Casey

    Dr Mark Casey, Coach, Trainer, Therapist, Teacher, Life hacker. About me Mark Casey has over 25 years experience as a Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, Bodyworker and Trainer. Originally trained as a classical musician he later also studied Psychology. Further training has included Life Coaching (OCR), Food Psychology Coaching, NLP (Master Practitioner), Time Line Therapy® (Master Practitioner). In addition he is a certified teacher of Mindfulness and Meditation. He is also passionate about all things Tango Argentino.