Accredited Advanced and Master/Teacher Reiki Diploma

Free Previews Below

☯️ 4 Modules

☯️ 53 Lectures

☯️ Certified Course

☯️ Accredited Course

☯️ Online study

☯️ Tutor support

☯️ No time limit for completing your course

☯️ 150 hours of study

☯️ Includes all attunements 

☯️ All comprehensive materials and certificates included

Reiki is a sacred practice that requires reverence and our greatest respect if we are to experience the deeper aspects of its value. The benefits of Reiki can be all-encompassing, not only giving us the ability to heal ourselves and others but also bringing guidance for our lives.

The joys of becoming a Reiki Master are many, and you don't necessarily have to teach in order for the Master training to be useful. The additional healing energy, symbols, techniques and knowledge will add value to your innate healing abilities.

What you will learn: 

•The Usui Master attunement which increases the strength of your Reiki energy. 

•The Usui Master symbol which increases the effectiveness of the Reiki II symbols and can be used for healing.

 •Learn Reiki meditations that strengthen the mind and expands consciousness. 

•Advanced techniques for using Reiki to solve problems and achieve goals.

 •The use of crystals and stones with Reiki. 

•How to make a Reiki crystal grid that will continue to send Reiki to yourself and others after it is charged.

 •Reiki psychic surgery that allows you to remove negative psychic energy from yourself and others and send it to the light. 

•The complete Reiki III Usui/Tibetan Master attunement.

 •Instruction on how to give Reiki attunements for Reiki I&II, ART and full Reiki Master. 

•The Healing attunement that can be given to anyone and directs the powerful attunement energies to heal.

 •The Usui system of attunements is taught as well as the Usui/Tibetan system. 

•Two Tibetan symbols are given for a total of six.

•How to give yourself attunements and perform distance attunements.

•Advanced Reiki meditation that harmonizes the energy of the chakras.

 •The values and spiritual orientation of a true Reiki Master. 

•Master Manual


 •Series of Master Resources to ensure your success

This class is a powerful healing experience. While the content of the class will allow anyone to pass the ability to do Reiki on to others and to teach if one chooses, many take the class for their own use or to use with family and friends.

If you:

•Are ready to continue your Journey of self healing and healing others

 •Have a strong desire to learn more as you heal

 •Are looking for a path of personal growth and transformation

 •Are feeling drawn to learn and heal more deeply with Reiki

 •Are looking for support from a strong Master Teacher and a loving community

Let's get started!!

Who this course is for:
  • Anyone who is looking to further their Reiki knowledge and experience
  • Anyone looking for a deeper level of healing
  • Anyone looking to share the healing benefits of Reiki and to teach others
Featured review
Walter Askins

 Walter Askins  

This course is indepth and well organised.  The attunement process is well laid out along with an example video showing how it's done.  The information is extensive.  I will be reviewing it often to remember all that was covered.  Back in the 90's when I was first attuned for all the symbols over a 3 days period in person.  I thought that class covered quite a bit if information.  This class Eclipses it by far.  Well worth taking!!!  Wow.

Can Reiki really be taught online?  

There was a time when I bought into the idea that Reiki HAD to be learned via in person trainings. I am typically a rule follower and not one to buck the system, but I always wondered why this was not “possible”. I thought to myself, “I am able to do distance Reiki sessions. I am able to send Reiki to the past and future. So, why can I not teach Reiki virtually to students near and far?” The reality is that I CAN! Energy is energy. It transcends time and space. 

Absolutely! Rather than a couple of weekend courses you will likely pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for, you can take all the time you need to go through the material and practice while having the support of your Master Teacher and classmates to connect with. I have had countless students who have taken previous in-person Reiki courses comment on how much more information they received in this course as well as how powerful the attunements were in comparison to the ones they received in person.   

The naysayers are usually Masters who fear they will have fewer students and will not be able to charge as much money for their courses as a result of students choosing to learn Reiki online.   

Course Curriculum

  • 1
    Advanced Reiki Training
    • Introduction FREE PREVIEW
    • Reiki Master Welcome Handout
    • Reiki Master Manual
    • FAQ- Have a question? Read this first.
    • Facebook Support Group Info
    • Centering Exercise
    • Origins of Reiki FREE PREVIEW
    • Usui vs the Tibetan/ Usui Reiki System FREE PREVIEW
    • What is the difference between Usui and Tibetan/Usui Reiki?
    • The Evolution of Reiki
    • Reiki HealingProcess
    • Symptoms of Change
    • Reiki Crystal Grid
    • Crystal Grid
    • Usui Master Symbol
    • All Symbols PDF
    • Usui Master Symbol PDF
    • Advanced Reiki Training Attunement
    • Assignment: Practice the ART symbol 10 minutes to complete
    • Reiki Moving Meditation
    • Reiki Moving Meditation
    • Reiki Meditation
    • Reiki Psychic Surgery/ Aura Clearing
    • Aura Clearing Help Sheet
  • 2
    Reiki Master/ Teacher Training
    • Antahkarana- Ancient Symbol of Healing
    • Antahkarana- Ancient Symbol of Healing
    • The Hui Yin
    • Microcosmic Orbit Meditation
    • Microcosmic Orbit - PDF
    • Microcosmic Orbit Meditation PDF
    • Tibetan Symbols
    • All Master Symbols
    • Tibetan Symbols
    • Master Attunement
    • Assignment: Practice the Master Symbols 15 minutes to complete
    • The Violet Breath
    • The Complete Treatment with Master Symbols - Attached is a "cheat sheet" for a complete client treatment using the Reiki I, II and Master symbols.
  • 3
    The Attunements
    • The Healing Attunement
    • Reiki Healing Attunement
    • Reiki Level I Attunement
    • Reiki Level I Attunement
    • Reiki Level II Attunement
    • Reiki Level II Attunement
    • Advanced Reiki Training Attunement
    • Advanced Reiki Training (ART) Attunement
    • Reiki Master Attunement
    • Reiki Master Attunement
    • Self- Attunement
    • Distance Attunements
    • Attunement Demo
  • 4
    Teaching Reiki
    • Becoming a Reiki Master
    • Forms and Resources
    • Class Outlines for Reiki
    • Confidential Client History and Intake Form
    • Consent Form
    • Reiki Level I Manual
    • Reiki Level II Manual
    • Reiki Level 3 Manual
    • Reiki Brochure
    • Reiki MMR Licence
    • Usui Reiki Lineage Chart
    • Licensing to Use My Manual
  • 5
    Certification and Membership of the International Association of Therapists Offer
  • 6
    Further Resources and Courses
    • Further Resources and Courses
    • Additional resources handout


  • Aimee Phlegar

    Empowered Empath, Soul Healer, Fearless Transformation Guide

    Aimee Phlegar

    An empowered empath, a soul healer, a true visionary and a nurturing agent for change and transformation- this is Aimee Phlegar. Aimee holds space for her clients and students to heal, transform and walk their Journey- the path back to their true selves. Aimee firmly believes that we each have a unique blueprint and a unique set of energies. She takes her clients & students on a Journey of self-discovery to fearlessly realign with those energies and reclaim their true selves. With 25+ years of experience in this field, Aimee has supported and empowered transformation in hundreds of clients. Beyond her vast life experience, she holds a Bachelors in Kinesiology, a certification in neuro-nutrient therapy, a certification in holistic health, certification in Auriculotherapy (ear acupressure) and is a member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners as well as the International Association of Therapists. She is also a certified Divine Navigation coach, a level 20 Reiki Grand Master Teacher as well as a yoga (E- RYT 200) and meditation instructor. #aimeeawakened [email protected]